The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) conducts the Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) examination in three stages: KAS Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interview. The Preliminary Examination comprises two papers, each designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge across various subjects. Below is the detailed syllabus for the KAS Preliminary Examination:
KAS Prelims Syllabus 2025: Complete Guide for Kerala Aspirants
Paper I: General Studies I
History (India and Kerala):
- Ancient and Medieval Period:
- Salient features and major landmarks of ancient and medieval India.
- Art, culture, literature, and architecture.
- Major dynasties, their administrative systems, and prominent movements.
- Modern Period:
- Significant events, personalities, and issues from the 18th century to the present.
- India’s struggle for independence.
- Social and religious reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Post-independence consolidation and reorganization.
- India and her neighbors.
- Kerala History (from the 18th century):
- Pre-independence socio-political movements.
- Formation of Kerala state, political parties, movements, governments, landmark legislations, and policies.
- Ancient and Medieval Period:
History of the World (from the mid-18th century):
- Industrial revolution.
- World wars.
- Redrawing of national boundaries.
- Colonization and decolonization.
- Globalization.
- Communism, capitalism, socialism—their forms and effects on society.
Cultural Heritage of Kerala:
- Art forms, literature, sculpture, architecture, and salient features of society.
- Tribal culture, pilgrimage centers, tourist places, folk culture, cinema, and theatre.
- History and evolution of the Malayalam language and literature.
Indian Constitution, Public Administration, Political System, Governance, Social Justice, and International Relations:
- Salient features of the Indian Constitution.
- Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States; structure, function, power, and privileges of Parliament and State Legislatures.
- Issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure; devolution of power and finances up to local levels.
- Constitutional authorities—their powers, functions, and responsibilities.
- Panchayati Raj, public policy and governance, impact of liberalization, privatization, and globalization on governance.
- Statutory, regulatory, and quasi-judicial bodies.
- Rights issues (human rights, women’s rights, SC/ST rights, child rights, etc.) and important acts.
- India’s foreign policy, international organizations, treaties, and forums—their structure and mandate.
- Judiciary in India—structure and functions; important provisions relating to emergency and constitutional amendments; judicial review; public interest litigation; land revenue laws.
- Fundamental rights, fundamental duties, and directive principles.
- Principles of administrative law.
Reasoning, Mental Ability, and Simple Arithmetic:
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability.
- Number series, coding-decoding, problems related to relations, shapes and their subsections, Venn diagrams.
- Problems based on clocks, calendars, and age calculations.
- Simple arithmetic.
- General Geography:
- Solar system, motion of Earth, concept of time, seasons, internal structure of the Earth, major landforms and their features.
- Atmosphere—structure and composition; elements and factors of climate; air masses and fronts; atmospheric disturbances.
- Oceans—physical, chemical, and biological characteristics; hydrological disasters; marine and continental resources.
- Physical, social, and economic geography of the world, India, and Kerala.
- Geophysical phenomena like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, cyclones, floods, and landslides.
- General Geography:
Paper II: General Studies II
Economy and Planning:
- Indian Economy:
- Economic development since independence; new economic reforms; NITI Aayog; national income and per capita income; sectoral composition (output and employment) in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
- Development under different policy regimes, including Five-Year Plans—goals, constraints, institutions, and policy framework.
- Agriculture Sector:
- Land reforms in India; technological changes in agriculture; major crops and cropping patterns; irrigation; pricing of agricultural inputs and outputs; agricultural finance policy and marketing.
- Issues in food security and public distribution system; Green Revolution; policies for sustainable agriculture and organic farming.
- Indian Economy:
Science and Technology:
- Basic concepts and developments in science and technology.
- Energy—conventional and non-conventional sources.
- Space programs and their applications.
- Information and communication technology—basics, applications, and effects.
- Environmental science—ecology, biodiversity, and climate change.
Current Events:
- Significant national and international events.